Thursday, August 23, 2007

Flashback at the stop sign

So yesterday was a hell day. On my way to school, ready to take my exam, my car decided to break down. So..I call Triple A. Bastards....but that's another story. I basically broke down right on a corner in front of a stop sign in a residential area. Across the street from a Kindercare. So, ofcourse, the entire neighborhood thought I was a pedophile checking out the daycare. ANYWAY......I'm sitting in the car waiting, smoking a cigarette..and something must have triggered me, but I had this total flashback of David. I haven't thought of David in about 6 years. David is a beautiful man, we had some fun, but not someone I spent tons of time with, the whole thing was rather short lived and FULL of drama. But, here I am sitting at this stop sign..waiting, and I can't stop thinking of David. I met him when I was a stripper (YES, a stripper) in CA at DeJa Vu. He came in for his interview and I BEGGED them to hire him, and ofcourse he had the job the minute he walked in anway. Dark hair, LOVELY tattoos....his arms, his back, his neck....just gorgeous. He had his septum pierced as well, but you rarely saw it out. He was cocky...and kind of an asshole, but that just made me more attracted to him. He was a TOTAL ROCKSTAR, and ofcourse, I had to have him. He had a girlfriend out of state, but that didn't stop me. In the matter of a week I was spending the nights at his house. Did I mention that I had a boyfriend at the time?? Ok, fiance.....but a fiance that was cheating on me, and I knew it. Not that Im defending what I did, but I didn't and still don't feel bad about it. David had a fetish for patent leather, and you can bet I rocked that at work every chance I got!! * sigh * and then his girlfriend moved to CA....and I was sent on "vacation" from work for a week while they figured out a job there for her. Not as a dancer....but as a beer barrel girl. Bleah. He told her about me...WELL, that he cheated, but he told her my real name not my stage name. I think at some point she figured it out. Probably the night he was very drunk and was screaming for me in the DeJa Vu parking lot. I walked out there, and took his keys from him, and walked away. His chic was on her way out, and I just threw them to her and kept walking. I didn't see him after that, I left the club and moved to Palm Springs with the fiance. I haven't thought of him since....until yesterday at the stop sign. I admit I felt a little tug in my chest, and was surprised that I remembered so many details. Like I said, we didn't get to spend that much time together. I think I could have left everything for that cocky bastard, so in a way, I am glad I kept walking. But now, I am wondering what happened to David. Beautiful David. I miss him lol. All this at the effin' stop sign! Thanks Triple A!

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